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3/22/2015 0 Comments Spring Pastoral PrayerHoly and Gracious God,
We gather as your beloved people, in awe of all the mystery that you are. We thank you heavenly God for sending Jesus to us so that we may have a glimmer of your love. Merciful God, we confess we are people who at times are walking through darkness. Darkness of depression, Darkness of relationships, Darkness of the seasons, Forgive us great Creator. As we point to the cross during this Lenten season with great anticipation of life after death. Remind us Holy One that darkness does not have the final word. That You are here among us, ready to resurrect us. God we pray for the Shi’ite people who while worshipping peacefully in their mosque were attacked by a Yemeni suicide bomber killing at least 137 of Your people. God we mourn for those people and their families. We are thankful for our safe state and that we are able to worship You in peace without fear we ask O creator that you make us instruments of your peace God we pray for peace Protector God, while we pray for peace. We are aware that there are people in our own communities that live in fear. Fear of the night, Fear of the other, Fear for what tomorrow might bring Sending your cloak of security to us, wrap us in your love and help us to be strong. God there are members of our community we lift up to you in prayer…. And others oh God which we hold close to our hearts that we lift up in silence… Thank you Heavenly Creator, for hearing our prayers and for being present. And thank You for each one of us that we can be each other’s support and shoulder to lean on. Lastly Great God we ask that You: Open our ears to hear your voice Open our eyes to see where you are leading us Open our minds to understand you in a new way Open our hearts to your love In the name of the Creator, Christ and Spirit One we prayer. Amen.
Tina Walker-MorinPraying so that another voice may speak. Archives
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